Big Bocs Bwyd
The Big Bocs Bwyd is a Welsh Government project that has been introduced to reduce food waste, to provide hands on learning opportunities for pupils and to help poverty in local communities. The food, toiletries and cleaning products provided will mainly be donated from supermarkets which helps them reduce the amount of food waste they produce.
We will only be accepting cash donations. Our suggested price is £5 for 10 items.
Please bring your own carrier bags. Reuseable hessian bags can be bought for £2 in The Big Bocs Bwyd.
There will also be a FREE swap shop of school uniform availabe in the BBB.
Opening times:
Vision and Values
Our aim is to ensure that no child is hungry and that every child is able to learn how to make good food choices that enable them to thrive.
Children and families will be provided with food at ‘pay as you feel’ prices and supported with authentic learning experiences through growing and cooking food.
The installation of a Big Bocs Bwyd in a school will be explicitly linked to the 4 purposes of the Curriculum for Wales, ensuring that children are:
•Healthy, confident individuals
•Ambitious, capable learners
•Ethical, informed citizens
•Enterprising, creative contributors
Every child will become food literate by growing, cooking and learning about food.
Gweledigaeth a Gwerthoedd
Ein nod yw sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn llwglyd a bod pob plentyn yn gallu dysgu sut i wneud dewisiadau bwyd da sy'n eu galluogi i ffynnu.
Bydd plant a theuluoedd yn cael bwyd am brisiau 'talu fel ry’ch chi’n teimlo' ac yn cael eu cefnogi gyda phrofiadau dysgu dilys drwy dyfu a choginio bwyd.
Bydd gosod Bocs Bwyd Mawr mewn ysgol yn cael ei gysylltu'n benodol â phedwar diben y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, gan sicrhau bod plant yn:
•Unigolion iach, hyderus
•Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog
•Dinasyddion moesegol, gwybodus
•Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol
Bydd pob plentyn yn dod yn llythrennog mewn bwyd drwy dyfu, coginio a dysgu am fwyd.